Oldham charity puts former tram employee back on the right track

Date published: 31 May 2024

A former Metrolink employee whose life was threatening to go off the rails is getting back on track - thanks to an Oldham charity.

Siobhan Kennett found out all about Endometriosis Awareness North when they were publicising a sponsored walk - covered by the Chronicle.

The 32-year-old who has endured adhesions to the bladder, near constant pain since her teenage years and unemployment and isolation for two long years, simply couldn’t believe that someone cared about a condition that affects one in ten women.

And she says connecting with the cause co-created by Oldham GP Dr Anita Sharma, was one of the best steps she took in her life.

Which is why she is backing a similar sponsored stroll called Walk and Talk Endo in Alexandra Park on Saturday, July 6 (see below for more details).

“I guess you can say it was a brave step turning up at a walk where I didn’t know anybody, but it rates as one of the best days of my life,” said Siobhan.

“Receiving such a warm welcome and being able to get involved in telling my story in the hope it will help others, is what gets me up in the morning.”

Sadly Siobhan is typical of many endo “warriors” whose symptoms have been ignored or dismissed, resulting in years of unnecessary pain.

“My periods were never regular, and I had what we call spotting” she said, “I needed help, and it was only through my partner James funding private hospital treatment that I discovered I had stage three endometriosis and adhesions to major organs.”

Siobhan has also endured a skin condition which doctors previously put down to stress.

Allied to the physical pain, this caused Siobhan to rarely leave her home.

“It is alarming how many women with endometriosis experience dark thoughts” said Dr Sharma, who specialises, often in her free time, in helping people such as Siobhan.

“Not being believed and the unremitting pain, leave positive people like Siobhan shattered and in despair.

"We have to offer them hope and find the will to diagnose quicker and properly fund research into this horrendous condition.”

Helping to fulfil those ambitions will be at the top of Siobhan’s agenda as she travels with Dr Sharma to events across the country plus publicises the charity’s work to a younger audience through social media.

She also aims to create a private group where endo warriors can swap their experiences and recognise they are not alone.

And, as a tribute to James, she is also keen to share endometriosis awareness to all genders, so that they might better understand and offer the kind of life-changing support she got.

Concluded Siobhan: “For all that my life has been difficult, particularly during this last couple of years, Endometriosis Awareness North has given me purpose, my partner has shown me true compassion and my community, has shown me someone out there, cares.

"Now it’s up to me to give something back - I cannot wait to get started!”

Watch out for Siobhan’s Diary and blogs on the Endometriosis Awareness website - endometriosisawarenessnorth.com/

The Walk and Talk Endo event launches at:

The Boat House Café
Alexandra Park
10 30am
Saturday, July 6

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