Moorside pair Nicky and Andy to join Steve Hill on Ugandan adventure to raise funds for local and African projects

Date published: 22 May 2024

Moorside duo Nicky and Andy Hall are set to join local legend Steve Hill MBE on a remarkable journey to Uganda this weekend, where they will volunteer and raise funds for both local and Ugandan projects.

This inspiring mission is particularly significant as Nicky will be running her first marathon, the Masaka Marathon, while in Uganda.

Their adventure, part of Team Hill Charitable Trust’s efforts, involves extensive community work, including supporting schools, orphans, and sustainability projects in one of the world’s poorest countries.

Upon their return, the couple will challenge themselves further by participating in Endure24, a gruelling 24-hour race.

Andy and Nicky are funding their own trip, ensuring all donations directly benefit the charities.

They aim to raise £1,000 to support local Oldham initiatives, such as food deliveries and medical equipment, as well as Ugandan projects.

Your support can make a profound difference.

Contributions, big or small, are greatly appreciated.

To donate, visit their JustGiving page - please click here

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