Oldham man drops in to town police HQ to thank his two heroic life-savers

Date published: 05 September 2023

A grateful Oldham man paid a visit to Oldham Police Station to personally thank two officers who saved his life recently.

Last month (Thursday, August 24), officers PC Jack Bennett and PC Lydia Holt were on patrol in Chadderton, when they were approached by a member of the public in the car park of a restaurant.

The person asked if the officers were first aid trained before explaining that a man in the restaurant required urgent medical assistance. 

The officers quickly ran inside the restaurant to find a man laid on the floor.

He couldn’t speak and was struggling to breathe.

Both officers acted quickly, placing him in the recovery position, before assessing him and requesting an ambulance.

It was established Mr Barton had food stuck in his airway and required urgent first aid.

PC Holt carried out several back slaps as PC Bennett removed the blockage in his airway. 

The officers' quick actions resulted in the blockage being removed and Mr Barton was later able to explain to them that he had choked on is food before losing consciousness and falling onto the floor.

An ambulance transported Mr Barton to hospital for further treatment. 

After a short time in hospital for observation, Mr Barton was released and after making a full recovery, wanted to meet and thank both officers personally for helping him that evening.

Yesterday (Monday), Mr Barton attended Oldham Police Station along with his wife and spoke with PC Bennett and PC Holt.

He expressed his thanks for their swift actions and the first aid they administered that saved his life.

The officers were really happy to see Mr Barton smiling and appreciated the time he had taken out of his day to thank them both.

Chief Inspector Abi Cronin, of GMP’s Oldham District, said: “I would like to thank Mr Barton for taking the time to visit the officers today.

"Both PC Bennett and PC Holt acted without hesitation during the incident and took control of the situation that they were faced with.

"The officers' actions have resulted in Mr Barton’s full recovery and I wish him all the best in the future."

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