Pots and Pans refurbishment plans revealed

Reporter: Ken Bennett
Date published: 21 November 2022

Saddleworth’s distinctive war memorial, standing proud on the moors overlooking the community at Pots and Pans, is to be refurbished.

The move will take place ahead of the giant obelisk celebrating its centenary next year and discussions with local ward councillors as part of the council’s plan for 2023.

The information was revealed after Saddleworth Parish councillor John Battye wrote to Oldham council leader Amanda Chadderton in the wake of this year's Remembrance Service.

Oldham Mountain Rescue Team attended three incidents at the site on Remembrance Sunday and Cllr Battye suggested revisting a plan which included a zig-zag path when refurbishenent plans to all war memorials was first mooted in 2018.

In his letter to Cllr Chadderton, he said: “When Jim McMahon was leader, he announced a programme of refurbishment of the various War memorials across the Borough in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the end or WWI in 2018. 

“This was undertaken across the borough, apart from at Pots and Pans in Saddleworth.

“The work involved a formal surfaced path and steps from Gelfield Lane to the memorial but, for whatever reason, the work never took place.

“The path ran in a zig-zag with a series of steps to the memorial which had the names of the fallen on three sides.

"The names face the villages from which men came.

“On Remembrance Sunday hundreds climb the hillside which can be very wet and slippery.

"It is essentially a younger persons climb.

"Throughout the year many people climb to visit the memorial and enjoy the splendid views over Saddleworth and beyond.

“I wonder if you could revisit the plans Jim produced? 

“If it is land ownership is a problem then a formal path and steps would limit erosion of the hillside as visitors presently use various paths up and down the steep slope

“If it is cost, then perhaps local businesses could sponsor the various flights of steps.”

And in a note to the Saddleworth Parish Council chair, Pam Byrne, who is also an Oldham councillor, Cllr Battye said: “I know we are short of money, but it would be good if the SPC could sponsor the first flight of steps as a capital project, with the SPC insignia at the foot of the steps.

“We could also seek other sponsors and grants if OMBC agree to the proposals.”

Cllr Byrne, responding to Cll Battye, said:“We look forward to full restoration of the memorial in line with others in the borough.”

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