Ellis gears up to tackle 33.3-mile running challenge for Mind

Date published: 24 May 2022

Regular runner Ellis Smith is taking on the 33.3-mile Tour of Tameside challenge to raise money for the mental health charity Mind – a cause close to his heart.

Ellis, Production Planning Administrator at Hill’s Panel Products, the Oldham-based board, doors and fittings manufacturer and supplier, has battled depression in the past, and still suffers occasional bouts.

He said: “I’ve had trouble in the past with my mental health so I’m hoping that by running for MIND I’ll be helping other people who have struggled as well, to show that you can come out the other side.

“My depression was a few years ago now, but I can start bouts from time to time – it never fully goes away.”

Ellis, who has set a fundraising target of £200, is drumming up sponsorship from his colleagues and family members for the four-day running festival, which starts on June 16.

It means he’ll begin with a 10k (6.1mile) trail run on various terrains across two country parks, followed by a six-mile fell run.

It’s then onto a 13.1-mile half marathon, which includes a stretch of the Longdendale Trail, before the seven-mile road race finale named in memory of Dr Ron Hill, the Hyde-based marathon legend who founded the tour in 1981.

“I think the hardest event is going to be the half marathon the day after the hill run, just due to the fatigue,” added Ellis.

“It’s day three and such a long distance, but it’s amazing what you can do when you push yourself.”

Ellis, who’s worked at HPP for eight years, runs a minimum three times a week, covering at least 15 miles – a fitness regime that stems from his four years in the Royal Engineers.

And when the tour comes around, he’ll be cheered on by his fiancé Adele and their three children, Devon (13), Blake (8) and Willow (4).

He’s now stepped up his training in readiness for the tour and took part in the Great Manchester Run half marathon where he was joined by HPP’s Marketing and Business Development Director Dan Mounsey - who last year completed a 50k (30-mile) endurance run for Mind.

Both men clocked a very respectable 1hr 43 mins – placing them in the early 900s of 8,000 participants.

Ellis, who lives in Fitton Hill, added: “I’ve done 13-mile runs in training, but I’ve never done an organised event like this before.

"It was brilliant, the atmosphere was amazing.

"You see a huge range of runners and fitness levels.”

To sponsor Ellis, please visit his JustGiving page here

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