Leader promises Oldham will not “turn its back” on Afghan plight

Reporter: Ken Bennett
Date published: 20 August 2021

Oldham Council leader Arooj Shah has promised the town will not “turn its back” on the Afghans caught up in the country’s crisis.

Cllr Shah, who is also Cabinet Member for Economic and Social Reform, told the Chronicle: “The situation in Afghanistan is heart-breaking and our thoughts are with all those caught up in the crisis.

“Oldham has a long and proud history of welcoming people from across the globe in both good times and bad – it’s what makes our town so special and diverse.

“We will not turn our backs on anyone that needs help.

"We will work alongside partners and colleagues across Greater Manchester to offer our full support to those fleeing Afghanistan and in ensuring Government also plays its part.

“The situation is still developing and we are awaiting further information about whether any refugees are due to arrive in the region.

“In the meantime, I know many residents will want to help in some way.

"Care4Calais is a charity which is co-ordinating efforts in Greater Manchester.

"You can donate funds, essential items or volunteer."

Please visit their Facebook page for the most up-to-date information: www.facebook.com/care4calais

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