New Parish Councillor vows to make a difference in Saddleworth

Date published: 03 July 2021

Mick Scholes, selected as Parish Councillor for Springhead Lower with cross-party support, is looking forward to working with local residents to make a difference across Saddleworth.

Following the retirement of Richard Darlington, who was forced to step down due to health problems, Mr Scholes has taken on the role until the next parish council elections in two years time.

He said: "I shall continue Richard's work, not only as a fellow lifelong environmentalist, but in supporting those in need of extra care and support, who he also championed.

"I look forward to working hard to help deliver the Liberal Democrat aim of becoming carbon neutral as both a Council and across the Parish, and co-operating with all groups and individuals who strive to achieve a better, open and tolerant Saddleworth where all can prosper.”

Mr Darlington was forced to move away from the area to live with family, due to a combination of ill-health and the practicalities of getting support with COVID restrictions in place.

Leader of the Liberal Democrat group on the Council Sam Al-Hamdani said: “I am saddened to see Richard have to step down.

"First and foremost, he was a friend, and was genuinely the most selfless, honest and kind person I have had the privilege to know.

"It is a sad loss to the Council, and to the area.

“I am glad to have Mick step up to take his place on the Council.

"I have known Mick for several years.

"In particular, I know how hard he works, both as a small-business man, but also for his community.

"I am looking forward to seeing him get stuck in on the Council, and really help people.”

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