Akke’s still on his way to the top – this time with a THREE peak challenge

Date published: 17 June 2020

The last-minute cancellation of a once-in-a-lifetime expedition to Kilimanjaro to raise money for an Oldham school would leave most people downhearted.

But not the self-styled 'Bengali Mountaineer' Akke Rahman – because he has now decided to traverse THREE peaks in July instead, in preparation for a conquest of Everest next year.

The 37-year-old’s jaunt to the Tanzanian mountain was curtailed last week by Turkish Airlines who felt they couldn’t accept him into the country due to the Coronavirus.

This despite previous assurances that he would be allowed to stop off there before jetting on to Kilimanjaro.

“It was deflating especially as I am in peak condition with equipment booked and sponsorship money raised,” revealed the Chadderton-based adventurer.

“I had entertained the idea of climbing Mount Elbrus in Russia, Mont Blanc in Northern France and of course, Kilimanjaro in one go.

"The extra time gives me the opportunity to do that – and raise even more money for good causes.”

The father of three plans to leave for the triple challenge in early July and his intrepid exploits have begun to be broadcast all over the world, with a recent interview on a Bengali TV station reaching viewers in Africa, Asia, Australia and North America.

That featured his fundraising work for good causes in Bangladesh; but now he wants cash to go to Westwood High School, after COVID-19 meant a massive reduction in funds for the independent academy. 

“I want to inspire people to become charitable towards developing countries but also to recognise their responsibilities to their British communities,” said former child star triple jumper Akke.

"Not only does that inspire us to work together to become fitter, it also gives us the opportunity to break down cultural and racial barriers.”

Tackling the three peaks obviously means more resource and the opportunity to treble the money raised.

Akke has a number of sponsorship opportunities available – from the shirt on his back to the flags he will raise when he reaches the zenith of the mountains.

“It literally is a case of, 'your name here',” joked Akke.

"Your moniker will be emblazoned on the flag I plant into the summit – now there’s original publicity for any company!”

Community leader and joint organiser of the Asian Business Leaders Awards, Muzahid Khan, added: “Akke has already caused quite a stir with his campaign to become the world’s leading Bengali mountaineer.

"For whatever reason, people feel that a South Asian tackling the snow-packed peaks is unusual and heart-warming.

"That notoriety means he is reaching all sectors of our society and what a positive message he is bringing.

"At this worrying time for all not-for-profit organisations, Akke is helping a school to deliver a brand of education that is firmly based in our community and teaches values that bind us together.”

You can support Akke’s quest by clicking here

Go to his Facebook page @BengaliMountaineer for the run down on his training regime.

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