Residents despair at the squalor in Godson Street

Date published: 11 October 2017

Residents are despairing at the squalor in Godson Street and the surrounding area because of litter from parked cars due to a lack of hospital parking.

Eva Lowe, of Godson Street, said: “Every supermarket that apply for planning permission has to provide parking. Oldham Council approved the hospital expansion without the provision of parking.

“We are finding surgical gloves thrown on the pavement together with masks and plastic aprons, paper shoes covering.

“We complained, to no avail. And the council hasn't send a street cleaner for over a year.

“There is also the added problem of hospital personnel parking near our homes preventing us from parking and in some cases blocking us in and preventing us from being able to drive out.”

Councillor Fida Hussain, Cabinet member for Environmental Services, said: “During the planning stage residents had the chance to send in any objections. We didn’t receive any.

“Since being built the centre, which is in the hospital grounds, has brought significant health benefits for residents and patients. Parking for patients is also provided within the grounds.

“We do not recall receiving any specific complaints about people being blocked in. If we do then we will investigate and take appropriate action.

“It is not illegal for cars to park on the public highway, but we understand locals may have experienced parking issues in certain areas, which is why we have listened to their concerns. We are currently looking at a number of possible schemes.”

Barry Waterhouse, Travel and Access Manager at The Royal Oldham Hospital, said: “We always encourage our staff to park on site in the staff car parks, not on the surrounding streets, and to treat the area surrounding the hospital and our neighbours with respect.

"However, we can’t specifically enforce that staff do not park in a particular location outside of our hospital site, as they are parking on the public highway prior to arriving at work.

“We do also encourage staff to use other methods of transport and offer free journey planning, discounted annual bus tickets, cycle parking and shower facilities, and discounted parking permits for staff who regularly car share.

"In August 2015 we opened a new 562 space staff parking area at The Royal Oldham Hospital at Westwood Park which clearly demonstrates our commitment to improve parking for the benefit of all users.”