Time to try out the Alexandra parkrun

Reporter: Kevin Richardson
Date published: 18 May 2016

ALEXANDRA Park was the venue for a new junior parkrun, which took place alongside the popular seniors’ Milltown to Moors 7K race.


More than 60 youngsters turned out to run the two-kilometre course, many of whom wore fancy dress.

The event was a huge success, with all children enjoying use of the Milltown Races official finish line and commentator, co-event director Tony Muir, said: “It was great to see so many young children out enjoying running.

“Hopefully our junior event will encourage even more youngsters to get their trainers on and get out there.”

Junior parkrun events are for children aged four-14 years old and are a free, weekly, timed 2k run.

The Alexandra junior parkrun will officially begin on Sunday, June 12 at 9am, and has been funded in partnership with Oldham Council, Oldham Community Leisure and Oldham Youth Council, with an aim to increase the number of young people being active in the community.


The events couldn’t go ahead without the volunteers who give up their time to help out, with the core team of volunteers all holding current valid DBS (disclosure and barring services) certificates.

To register for any parkrun event, visit www.parkrun.org.uk/register.