Page 56 - Oldham Evening Chronicle - September 2022
P. 56


      Coming home to roost

      Mark Rooney chats to new Latics CEO Darren Royle

       IT is hard to imagine a more perfect job   from birth in March 1974. At the time his dad   Manchester to Chadderton when my dad got   Science. There he also combined his studies
      fit  for  Latics’  new  CEO  Darren  Royle,   Joe was an established international footballer   the Oldham manager’s job. I then settled at   with football, playing in the Konica League
      combining as it does his love for the town   then playing for Manchester City.   school at Hulme Grammar prep before going   in Wales. He then joined Altrincham, scoring
      of Oldham, his football knowledge, a clearly   “I can vaguely remember Man City,   to  the  main  school.”  His  first  memory  of   on his debut
      relevant set of academic qualifications and his   definitely  Bristol  City,”  he  explains,  “we   Oldham was seeing “these strange objects   Whilst playing as a semi pro he took a job
      work experience over more than two decades.   moved around the country and lived in   called mills, and all the off licences and chip   in the pharmaceutical  industry and spent
       Clearly, there is no need to ask him when   Ormskirk first, then Bristol, Norwich, before   shops”                some time at Mossley and Ashton United. In
      he first got interested in football – effectively   moving to Bowden. We moved from South   Aside from the academic studies at Hulme,   all, he played over 600 games at semi-pro
                                                                                   he also developed his football skills playing   level.
                                                                                   for his school  and  Boundary  Park Juniors   After the pharmaceuticals industry, he went
                                                                                   from U12s to U16s (where he played the year   into football business  fulltime, ultimately
                                                                                   above Paul Scholes and Trevor Sinclair.) He   becoming a business manager with Prozone,
                                                                                   did his A levels at Hulme and captained the   operating globally and was active in setting
                                                                                   school team, something which remains a   up operations in several countries including
                                                                                   source of great pride. (He is full of praise   Poland, Russia and South Africa. He then
                                                                                   for his favourite teacher, Bernard Counsell,   became  one of the founders of a sports
                                                                                   who he describes as a “legend” at Hulme).   analytics group.
                                                                                   He also played in Oldham Athletic’s youth   He also set up a youth academy with the
                                                                                   team, registering an assist at Elland Road to   Northern Premier League, because he “saw
                                                                                   secure a draw with Leeds in the FA Youth   there was an opportunity for late developers
                                                                                   Cup, and even scored in the replay.   coming through semi pro football. We built
                                                                                    While  doing  his  A levels  he  went   that and it got quite big at one stage”
                                                                                   to  Rochdale  FC.  He then  became  an   Fast forward to 2018 and Darren joined
                                                                                   undergraduate  at Chester  Sports College   the board at Wigan Athletic in July 2020,
                                                                                   (part of Liverpool University) to do a BSc   becoming chairman five months later.
                                                                                   in Sports Science and Psychology, and while   There  is  no  doubt  that  when  Darren
                                                                                   there  played  for  England  Students,  Great   became CEO of Latics in July, the club
                                                                                   Britain,  and Chester College,  getting  the   could realistically claim it has one of the
                                                                                   latter to the university cup semi-finals.   most accomplished business managers at
                                                                                    Academically he stayed on a further year   elite  level  in  the  top  five  tiers  of  English
                                                                                   to do his MSc in MS, Exercise and Nutrition   football.
      Must do better

      By Simon Smedley                         “We’re playing against some
                                              experienced and strong players, but we’re
       MANAGER John Sheridan has               coming unstuck.
      demanded his Latics players ‘learn          “It’s a learning curve, but we’ve got
      quickly’ as they continue to struggle       to learn quickly.
      in the National League.                       “We’ve got to be doing a lot, lot
       Many Latics fans, particularly after        better because it’s been nowhere
      the recent club ownership switch,            near good enough.
      will have been hoping for much-              “We’re becoming a soft touch
      improved fortunes on the pitch this         – we’re showing that in our
      season.                                     performances.”
       However, despite their traumatic            Sheridan felt for the Latics fans
      relegation from the EFL last May,         who made the 450–mile round trip to
      Latics have so far failed to threaten any   Woking.
      sort of challenge in the lower division this   He added: “Apologies for the
      time around.                          performance. Fans travelled all that way on
       Ahead of Saturday’s home game against   a Tuesday night, and it’s not good enough.
      Eastleigh, Latics languished in 16th place   “I’m getting sick and tired of the goals
      in the table after they were thumped 3-0 by   we’re conceding.
      Woking in midweek.                     “I think anyone who watches us just feels
       “I pick the players and the team, and   like they’re going to score.
      once we go out there it’s down to me,” said   “We have to show more desire to sprint
      Sheridan.                             and defend better.
       “I’m not someone who makes excuses    “We have to see danger before it happens,
      because of injuries.                  and every time a ball comes at us we look
       “We’ve still got enough players available   under pressure.
      to go out and get results.             “I’m just crying out for the lads to push
       “We’ve got a few young lads who have   each other a bit more out there on the pitch.
      come in on loan, and it is tough, it’s a tough   “It’s very, very frustrating for everyone                                                 John Sheridan
      league to come in and learn the game.   involved.”
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