Page 5 - Oldham Evening Chronicle - September 2022
P. 5
Oldham teacher caged for series of
non-recent sexual assaults on students
A TEACHER from Shaw has brought to justice. provides a comprehensive and
been jailed for a decade after “We would like to commend co-ordinated response to men,
being found guilty of a series and thank the victims for the women and children who live
of non-recent sexual assaults courage, strength and dignity or have been sexually assaulted
on students. they have all demonstrated in within Greater Manchester.
Christopher Pickup (aged coming forward to the police They offer forensic medical
76), Underwood Way in Shaw, and supporting an investigation examinations, practical and
was sentenced on Friday 2nd into Christopher Pickup. emotional support as well as
September to 10 years after “We hope that the unanimous a counselling service for all
being found guilty at trial of guilty verdicts by an ages.
37 counts of sexual assault independent jury and this Services are available on
against 19 victims. sentence offers closure to them a 24-hour basis and can be
The offences occurred knowing that he is finally accessed by telephoning 0161
whilst he was a teacher at two facing the consequences of his 276 6515.
primary schools in Oldham actions. Greater Manchester Rape
between the years 1971 and “We would like to take Crisis is a confidential
1983. this opportunity to offer our information, support and
Detective Constable’s Craig assurances to anyone who has counselling service run by
Rice and Natalie Sykes, experienced sexual abuse and women for women over 18 who
of Oldham’s Non-Recent has not yet come forward, have been raped or sexually
Sexual Offences Team, said: that GMP will do all we can abused at any time in their lives.
“Experiencing sexual abuse to support you throughout the Call us on 0161 273
at any stage in life can have a process.” 4500 or email: help@
devastating and long lasting If you or someone you know
impact on an individual’s life, has been raped or sexually Survivors Manchester
but to experience it as a child assaulted, we encourage you provides specialist trauma
by someone who you respect not to suffer in silence and informed support to boys and
and trust is unfathomable. report it to the police, or a men in Greater Manchester
“This investigation support agency so you can get who have experienced
demonstrates our ongoing and the help and support available. sexual abuse, rape or sexual
determined commitment to Saint Mary’s Sexual Assault exploitation. Christopher Pickup
ensuring that perpetrators are Referral Centre, Manchester Call 0161 236 2182.
GMP seize almost £100,000 of suspected ill-
gotten gains in Mossley and Cheetham Hill
less than four months ago,
has already seen hundreds of
thousands pounds seized.
“Cash-based money
laundering costs the UK
economy billions of pounds
and is illicit cash which often
serves as the motivator for
serious and organised crime.
“Operation Falcon
will continue and we’ll
be carrying on with
targeting those suspected
POLICE officers have Subsequently, £97,800 cash to be involved in money
seized almost £100,000 of as well as a number of high laundering and aim to seize
suspected ill-gotten gains as value watches were seized their assets and cash so they
part of Operation Falcon. and two males aged 29 and can be reinvested into the
On Wednesday, September 31 were arrested on suspicion communities who need it.
7, officers from GMP’s of money laundering. “No matter how hard
Economic and Cyber Temporary Detective attempts are made to hide
Crime team and Specialist Superintendent Joseph the money through front
Operations, executed a Harrop, of the Economic and businesses, we will find
number of searches of Cyber Crime Team, said: it, forfeit it, and reinvest it
vehicles and properties in “This seizure is another very back into the community of
Cheetham Hill, as well as an positive result for Op Falcon Greater Manchester.”
address in Mossley. who despite being set up Anyone with information
about suspicious financial
activity can report it to GMP
online through the online
crime reporting form, or by
calling 101.
You can also report via the
Live Chat service on GMP’s
website: www.gmp.police.
Details can also be
passed anonymously to
the independent charity
Crimestoppers on 0800 555