Page 32 - Oldham Evening Chronicle - October 2022
P. 32

32                                                                                                 OCTOBER 2022

                                                                                                          with Saddleworth

        Good Food Cookery School

         What’s in a name?
         THIS month’s recipe is a firm favourite   Chicken Copenhagen
        in our family, and we hope it will become   Ingredients
        one of yours too. It was first shared with
        me by Anne Buckley, the mother of one of   1 whole chicken (or 4 chicken joints)
        our friends. Sadly, Anne is no longer with   300-500ml double cream
        us, but I think of her whenever I make it.   3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
        She called it ‘Chicken Copenhagen’. I’ve   3 tablespoons mango chutney
        no idea why and I haven’t found another
        reference to it anywhere. It’s not Danish in   Method
        style or ingredients but simply tastes great,
        and whenever I’ve made it for friends, they   Set oven to 160C
        always want the recipe. It would be more
        accurately described as ‘Chicken in a creamy   1.  Place the chicken in a large ovenproof dish or
        mango sauce’. It is very rich and has a subtle      roasting tray and roast until cooked through.
        fruit flavour that is balanced by the inclusion      The time will depend on the size of the chicken.
        of Worcestershire sauce. I start with a whole   2.  Remove the chicken and place on a large plate.
        chicken as I like to include the cooking
        juices in the sauce for extra flavour, but   3.  Add the double cream to the juices in the roasting
        you could use chicken breasts and/or thighs      dish and stir well to mix.
        browned in a frying pan before adding to the   4.  Stir in the Worchester sauce, making sure it is
        sauce and finishing in the oven. Using pre-     mixed in.
        jointed pieces will shorten the preparation   5.  Using a sharp knife, cut the chicken into joints.
        and cooking time making it an ideal mid-      You can remove the bones if you want to or leave
        week meal or for a last-minute dinner party.       the meat on the bone.
         We often serve it simply with boiled wild
        rice, but it goes equally well as an alternative   6.  Place the chicken joints in the sauce and pour in
        to a traditional Sunday roast, served with      any juice from the plate.
        green beans, carrots and of course – crispy   7.  Spoon mango chutney on top of the dish.
        roast potatoes or crushed new potatoes to      You do not need to mix it in, just leave ‘dollops’
        mop up the sauce.  The quantities I’ve used      sitting on top of the sauce.
        serve four. When I make it, I never measure
        the cream but add a little less or a little more,   8.  Return the dish to the oven and bake until the sauce
        depending on how creamy I want the sauce      has thickened, and the top started to brown a little.
        to be.  We’d love to hear what you think of   9.  Serve hot with rice, potatoes or crusty bread to mop
        this dish. Send us a pic via social media; @     up the creamy sauce and seasonal vegetables.

      Trekkers return from ‘Home of the Giants’

       A GROUP of fourteen triumphant  of  the  Oldham  Mountain  Rescue  the area is home to hundreds of  pleasant and welcoming.”  finally  enjoy  some  much-needed
      trekkers - including nine residents  Team were among six members  imposing mountains and huge   Electricity and running water were  rest and recuperation.
      from  Oldham  and  Saddleworth  -  of the group to reach the summit  glaciers.              in very short supply at the most   Prior  to  the  trek,  participants
      completed an arduous five day trek  of   Galdhøpiggen,   Norway’s   David said: “It was an extremely  remote cabin along the journey,  were busy organising fundraising
      through the mountains and fjords  highest mountain - the six having  hard  trek;  much  of the  trekking  where participants washed in an icy  activities such as an afternoon
      of Norway to  raise  money for a  a combined age of 406.     was bouldering – walking  from  lake and ate by candlelight.  tea, craft market stalls and bucket
      children’s charity.             The group endured long days,  rock to rock. The first day was the   The trek concluded with a  collections  to help  them achieve
       Revd  David  Ireland, a minister  trudging over challenging terrain  toughest, with 12 hours of walking.  picturesque  final  hike  overlooking  their sponsorship target.
      in Oldham and chief executive  travelling between cabins in  Despite the average age being in the  Sognefjord, the longest and deepest   The trek is expected  to raise
      officer   of   Francis   House  Norway’s Jotunheimen National  late  sixties, everybody completed  fjord in Norway, followed by a  approximately £15,000.  Donations
      Children’s Hospice, his wife  Park,  which  translates  as  ‘Home  the trek. Norway was a wonderful  celebratory  dinner  in  a  fjord-side  can still be made at www.justgiving.
      Judith and Doctor Andrew Taylor  of  the  Giants’.  True  to  its  name,  country, and the people were really  hotel, where the trekkers could  com/campaign/NorwayTrek2022
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