Oldham Area Civic Society

Inside the town hall - new pictures

Civic society secretary Frances Hirst was recently part of a small group allowed inside the old Town Hall to see what state it was in.

She took a series of pictures that you can see on this page, showing the neglect and decay that has overtaken what was once Oldham's finest building.

It is believed that the council has firm plans for at least part of the Town Hall, which should be announced soon.

"It is to be hoped that some of the Town Hall can be put to use because, while parts of the building are clearly in danger, I was pleasantly surprised to find that some areas appeared to be nowhere near as bad as I had expected," said Frances.


Contact Information

Oldham Area Civic Society

c/o Wyngate
Higher Hartshead

Tel: 01457 833148

Meeting times

All are welcome to attend our meetings, usually held at a town centre venue on the third Tuesday of each month.

Membership of the society runs from January 1-December 31, but new members joining after September 1 will have continuing membership until the end of the following year.

Membership fees:

Individual - £5

Joint - £7 (two or more at same address)

Concession (student/unwaged/OAP) - £3

Corporate (business) - £50 min

Corporate (community/voluntary) - £10