Enhancing empowerment
Gateway to independence (GTI) is a day care provision which caters for people 18 years of age and over with mental/physical/learning disabilities and sensory impairment.
GTI’s ethos of care, involves providing a quality service tailored to meet the diverse needs of the community. To support people with disabilities to have the same opportunities as a non-disabled person and enhance empowerment, independence and social inclusion.
Our aim is to work with service users and their families to ensure that individuals have autonomy and choice about the type of support they receive and how it is provided.
We endeavour to support individuals to reach their maximum potential through acquiring and maintaining new skills - this includes social and independent living skills.
More information from Gary Rowbottom on 07591 214 760 or Mohammed Islam on 0161 633 6588
Or email by clicking the Contact Us button on the left