We hit the ground running
Our new troop is led by Phil Howarth, aided by Warren Pavlovski. Our troop has been built on the strong foundations of the Beavers and Cubs at St Paul's Church, led by Anthony Brian and Nik & Kay Clough respectively.
We have hit the ground running and are intending to create a dynamic troop with as many patrols as possible.
Our Mission is to raise the profile of Scouting in the Hathershaw and Fitton Hill area and to create a strong and adventurous troop of scouts.
Since starting, we have won the Oldham District Scouts five-a-side football contest (with our young scouts newly promoted from our Cubs group, who incidentally won the Cubs five-a-side football contest at the beginning of the year).
Recently we have been on a winter camp to Garstang, Preston. It was -3C at one point - luckily we had cabins not tents!
Take a look at our website by clicking on the tab on the right.