Join our bobbies on the tweet

Reporter: Robbie Gill
Date published: 10 July 2015

TECH-SAVVY officers at Oldham police are running a social media week from Monday to boost public interaction.

Officers from the Oldham Central neighbourhood policing team will take part in events across the week using social media, with live question and answer sessions on Facebook and Twitter.

On Tuesday there will be live updates on all incidents in that area between 9am-5pm - which will highlight the variety of calls police receive every day.

Users will also be able to get live updates and photos of a day in the life of a PCSO, a school-based officer on the last day of term and a town centre officer.

Pictures of iconic landmarks from across Oldham will also be posted, with people asked to guess where they are.

For updates or to get involved, follow Oldham Central on Twitter @GMPOldhamEast or @GMPOldhamWest. Or follow Facebook on GMP Oldham Central.