What a record!
Date published: 14 August 2014
TWO years ago, millions of people watched singer Naomi Higginson open her GCSE results live on breakfast TV.
Now the Hulme Grammar School pupil is hoping to top off A-level success with her first album.
Naomi appeared in ITV’s “Daybreak” when a song she wrote for GCSE music was snapped up by a record producer.
Since then the talented 18-year-old, who performs as Caleidra, has released two singles and an EP, played in front of around 17,000 pupils on two national schools tours and performed at the fans’ park at Manchester City’s Ethiad Stadium.
She has appeared in teen and music magazines, one of her songs was in a TalkTalk advert and she also has her own show every Saturday on North Manchester FM.
Naomi, who got 2 A*s and an A in maths, chemistry and physics, has been offered a place to study mechanical engineering at Manchester University.
But she wants to take a year out to concentrate on her music career after signing a publishing deal.
“Now it is about working towards an album. I have been working with a lot of amazing people to record more music which is really, really cool for me,” she said.
Despite her music success, Naomi was not tempted to do the subject at A-level and explained: “I did it at GCSE and it spoilt the fun a little bit. I count music as something a like to do for enjoyment and I kept it separate from my A-levels.”
“It was hard to do everything when I was studying for my A-levels. I took a month off my music to focus on my exams, but now I am free to concentrate on it again.”