Houses will replace pitch

Reporter: Rosalyn Roden
Date published: 18 November 2016

A GRASSROOTS football pitch in Chadderton will be replaced with a large housing development after plans were passed.

Council bosses propelled the 124-property build at the former Rose Mill site with 12 voting in favour and one abstention at a planning meeting.

Considerations included the loss of the Coalshaw Green playing field, loss of open space and the character and appearance at the Rose Street development.

The build was described as "low density" in comparison with existing properties nearby.

Steve Hughes, on behalf of applicant Kingsley Residential Ltd, said: "We are very pleased with the planning officer's recommendation for approval. The scheme will significantly increase the council's target provision of homes.

"The level of affordable housing, at 42 units, is just under 35 per cent of the total development and the open space provided is surplus to requirement."

The two-storey buildings will include a variety of two, three and four-bed houses accessed from Drury Lane.

Allowance has been made for 1,335 square metres of open space with two footpaths running through the development with links to South Chadderton tram stop.

A "Save Coalshaw Green Playingfield" Facebook group was set up in the aftermath of plans being revealed.


The opposition group raised concerns over loss of land for children to play and the impact of the estate on the area.

Group member Kevin Stott previously said: "Which would you prefer for your children ­- a great playing field or more street corners on which to hang around?

"South Chadderton neighbourhood police team can't handle the area already with anti-social behaviour and cars flying up and down Coalshaw Green Road. Adding another 700-plus residents to this area is an absolute joke."
