Oldhamers come together for White Ribbon Day
Date published: 25 November 2019

Mosques, community groups and leaders have come together
Mosques, community organisations, and Leaders in Oldham commemorate International Domestic Violence Day to raise awareness of all forms of abuse.
Oldham Mosque Council, OAK Community Development, community leaders and businesses have come together today during White ribbon Day 25th November to say ‘we stand together’ against hate, domestic violence and child grooming.
Imams and leaders in Oldham will be taking the opportunity to raise awareness and speak out against all forms of violence including domestic abuse, hate, bullying and child exploitation in their sermons.
Kashaff Feroze OAK Community Development said “We need to raise awareness about domestic violence and how it is negatively impacting individuals and families in our communities, by sending a united message across to say it’s never right to use violence against women and children no matter what, we can help prevent it from happening.”
Mufti Helal from Oldham Mosque Council “Domestic abuse is a taboo subject within the community and one that is often overlooked.
Our mosques and Imams have a responsibility to educate and speak out about this detestable behaviour, there is no room for it in our society.
The Islamic teachings and the example set by Prophet Muhammad are clear in that it is a religious duty for men to treat their partners with mutual love and care and to stay away from oppression and ill treatment of others.”
Domestic abuse is the biggest issue affecting women and children in our society today, affecting one in four women and around 800,000 children every year.
The campaign #I Respect and #We Stand Together will be releasing culturally tailored messages displayed on social media platforms and at information stalls at key community venues and mosques in Oldham.
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